Amanda Kin – Dean of Institutional Effectiveness (Chairperson)
Julie Emmerich – Site Coordinator – Clanton Campus
Robert Douglass – Director of Financial Aid
Tamara Payne – Director of Career and Learning Services
Aaliyah Moore – Director of Student Success Center
Barbara Goss – Director of Learning Resource Center
Michael Payne – Director of Learning Success Center
Anne Sherman – Director of ADA
Leah Bigbee – Director, Center for Workforce Education
Toneka Armstrong – Student Affairs
The Service Unit Review Board is a body designed to review, assist, and make recommendations to the service units of Jefferson State Community College in both their yearly assessment records and three-year program review. The members who sit on this committee should represent service units across the college and at multiple sites.
Assessment records occur annually as part of a planning and evaluation process for any service unit. They are based on either that units’ process, or the satisfaction that unit provides to the people it supports, or both. The record looks at the services provided either directly or indirectly to the college, and the people who receive support or information from that unit. The primary purpose of the record is to answer the question, “Does the unit meet acceptable levels of performance?” It provides early warning signals, which allow service unit members and heads to deal with concerns before they become problems.
The Three-Year Program Analysis is designed to address those issues central to service unit quality and processes. The primary purpose of review at this level is to provide information, which can be used to answer the question, “What can we do to make this a better service unit?” In answering this question, the analysis concentrates on both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the unit. Analysis of quantitative aspects provides a context within which more qualitative judgments about appropriateness; effectiveness and adequacy can be made.
The Service Unit Review Board will contribute to analysis and judgments, which will provide the basis for planning and service unit improvement. It examines the unit’s relation to the college’s purposes or mission, enrollment trends, college needs and satisfaction with the program. The external relationships, the adequacy of program support and resources and the unit’s progress in responding to the recommendations of previous evaluations are analyzed. Recognizing that all units have unique aspects, the analysis provides for flexibility in the evidence and methods used in analyzing the outcomes. While the review emphasizes institutional concerns, it also addresses the external concerns of agencies such as the Alabama Community College System and SACS-COC.