Jefferson State 8.2.a

8.2. – The institution identifies expected outcomes, assess the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of the results in the areas below:

a.         Student Learning outcomes for each of its education programs (Student outcomes: educational program)

SACSCOC Reviewer Comments

Evidence of seeking improvement based upon an analysis of results is incomplete.  Most of the information which the College identifies as results actually discusses plans with no executed results and no impact of the executed plans.  For example, one ‘Use of Results’ section in the institution’s report states, ‘Perhaps using primary and secondary sources…will help raise this achievement…. Instructors plan to include outline reviews and improve lectures. Instructors plan to have students critique sample speeches… Instructors plan to meet again and discuss methodology….’

Institution Response:   

In response to the SACSCOC reviewer’s comments, Jefferson State Community College has provided two years of assessment records (2019-2020 and 2020-2021) for our largest enrollment transfer courses that support the General Education Outcomes.  In each record in the right most column labeled “Use of Results”, areas are required to provide evidence of improvement from the previous year’s data as well as evidence of seeking improvement from the current year’s data.  Evidence from the current year’s data was provided in cases where it was available such as changes to the syllabus, assignments, or anything readily available at the time of this document’s submission.  Some areas did not provide evidence for changes made to the 2021-2022 cycle, such as changes to midterm and/or final exams because they have not yet occurred. (Note to self, after reviewing all records, put in specific details here and cite the records). 

What is our justification for providing just TGS courses and no CTE courses?

General education outcomes (GEO) are supported by the College’s largest enrollment transfer courses. Individual departments have an assessment schedule that covers their complete course offerings.  Each course is mapped to one of the GEO’s. 

  1. The student will demonstrate effective reading, writing, and speaking skills.
  2. The student will demonstrate ability to apply reasoning and logic to assess ideas and situations, support positions, draw conclusions and solve problems.
  3. The student will demonstrate the ability to identify, analyze, organize, and synthesize credible resources in a manner that respects intellectual property.
  4. The student will demonstrate understanding of mathematical concepts and scientific principles and ability to use computers.
  5. The student will demonstrate understanding of events in history and developments in the arts and social sciences that have shaped civilizations.

Course Map to General Education Outcomes

The chart below illustrates how each large enrollment General Education course is linked to a specific general education outcome.  By clicking on the course title, you may view the specific course assessment record which displays the outcome, the extent to which it achieves the outcome, and evidence of seeking improvement.

CoursesYear RecordGen Ed Outcome #1Gen Ed Outcome #2Gen Ed Outcome #3Gen Ed Outcome #4Gen Ed Outcome #5
ENG 1012019-2020
ENG 1022019-2020
ENG 2512019-2020
ART 1002019-2020
MUS 1012019-2020
SPH 1062019-2020
SPH 1072019-2020
CIS 1462019-2020
MTH 1002019-2020
 x x 
MTH 1122019-2020
 x x 
BIO 1012019-2020
 x x 
BIO 1032019-2020
 x x 
HIS 1012019-2020
xxx x
HIS 2012019-2020
xxx x
PSY 2002019-2020
SOC 2002019-2020

Program Improvement

The above course map outlines how each course links to its respective general education outcome.  The College is confident that the assessment of the named courses aligns with the general education outcomes and that improvements in the courses themselves will lead to program improvements.  In any assessment record’s right most column, labeled “Use of Results”, areas are required to discuss their data, suggest potential improvements that could be made based on their results, and provide evidence where applicable.  This column can be viewed for any course by clicking on the course title above.